Have you considered becoming a Friend of Panboola?
Annual membership is only $10 per individual or household and is an important way of assisting the valuable work needed at our community wetlands.
What’s in it for you?
Friends will receive a quarterly newsletter
Invitations to special events
Free entry to activities conducted by Panboola
Advance notice of workshops and training opportunities
The knowledge you are making a real difference to the conservation and protection of this much loved community asset.
Membership Form
To become a Panboola Friend simply fill in the form below and choose your payment method. Please indicate the names of all persons to be covered by the membership. Memberships are not current until monies have been received.
Our membership period is July 1 to June 30 and a reminder will be sent to you when your renewal is due.
Payment Details
To make payment, please follow the instructions below based on your preferred method of payment.
Amount Due: $10
Direct Deposit
Account Name: Pambula Wetlands and Heritage Project Inc
BSB: 633 000
Account Number: 149 299 265
Reference: Your name (so we know who has paid)
Cheques should be made payable to:
Pambula Wetlands and Heritage Project Inc
And either posted or brought to:
48 Bullara St
Pambula NSW 2549
Thank you!